Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Honeymoon Hangover

I'm sure you were asking yourself if I'd ever blog again. Wondering if now that the wedding was over and I was happily hitched why I would need to post floral arrangements, save the dates, and lots and lots of shoes. Well my blog readers (all five of you) I'm here to tell you that life goes on post-nuptials and so will this blog.

But for now, I have a lot of re-capping to do. I mean, I couldn't tease the wedding details out for months and then fail to cover the day itself. Unfortunately it's not a one-post sort of story so I'll start by working backwards with our honeymoon itself, which we returned from almost one month ago, and I'm still suffering withdrawals from.

If you think it's criminal for me to take three weeks off work, have the most joyous time of my life surrounded by family and friends I love with all of my heart, travel through my favorite city eating exquisite food and then complain about having to come home, you're right. But that's not going to stop me.

The following posts are taken from the journal I kept through Nice & Paris. They will be long and self-indulgent. Don't say you weren't warned.