Thursday, December 15, 2011

Gift Guide: The Globetrotter

Whether personal or professional, her travels are always taking her somewhere. Her bags are packed and ready to go - so treat her with these small touches that make anywhere feel a little more like home and honor her adventuring spirit.
A super sleek perfume stick to turn her favorite fragrance into a rollerball - from A+ R Store

A cheerfully striped strap to dress up her DSLR - from Mochi Things

Foldable, practical and totally packable ballet flats  - from Tieks

Chic hair ties that look as cute on her wrist as they do around a pony tail - from Mane Message on Etsy 

Super snuggly socks to ward off the chill on airplanes and in  over- air-conditioned hotel rooms - from Free People

To power up in any number of rental cars along the way. Tiny USB Car Power Adaptor - from Think Geek

A dazzling collection of travel pouches in the prettiest prints and color - from Stephanie Johnson

A drop of this and a spritz of that promises to alleviate everything from stress and pain to insomnia - 21 Drops from 3fl. Oz. (the best travel toiletry site ever)

An upcycled leather passport case in a mixture of beautiful hues - from Poketo

Some travel inspired art  - from Jason Dean

A completely customizable cup, perfect for leaving messages for loved ones back home - from Target

TSA approved travel bottles in a cute quirky shape - Bright Idea Travel Bottles from Anthropologie

To avoid troublesome re-folding of street maps she can try one printed on a hankie. For those traveling through time as well as space, historic versions are available - from Muji

For slightly larger bottles, vintage style dopp kits - from Flight 001

A pro subscription to the best travel app on the market - from Trip It 

A super-sleek & ultra-chic carry on (I love it in army green) - from Lo & Sons

A super slim sonic toothbrush - from Flight 001

A truly delicious and TSA approved travel toiletry kit - Malin & Goetz from J. Crew

A coming of age story set against a remarkable journey - from Amazon
So she can wear her sense of adventure on her sleeve. Sterling silver charm  - from Tiffany's (a little too much for one tiny trinket? There are a world of others out there)

A journal for tracking her travels with a handy pocket in the back for whatever she collects along the way - Moleskin 

An indispensable tool - from The Container Store

A pretty perfect nude leather luggage tag personalized with her details - from Harlex on Etsy

Finally, a beautiful globe for commemorating her travels - from ImagineNations