Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Something Blue....

I've known for a long time that I wouldn't wear white shoes to my wedding. No offense to those who choose them, but bridal shoes are blah and so limited in use. So I knew I'd opt for color and blue was the obvious choice. 

 I've been hunting the blue shoe for a while and although I am a girl who loves the high heel, the thought of six hours in stilettos is beyond my tolerance for pain. So I give you shoe options:

Apparently these should look familiar to you - why you ask? (I asked too) They are the cheap, dirty and low-heeled cousins of Carrie's wedding footwear in SATC. I prefer cheap, dirty and low-heeled and was pleased that the SATC reference was lost on me. 

 These Pour la Victoire 50's peep toes are sweet but the heel might feel like death around 11:30.

And JELLIES!! Oh the memories, not a good bridal choice, but what more could my 12-year-old self have wanted than blue opalescent jelly heels with princess baubles on the toes. Vivienne Westwood, you are genius.
Side note, does anyone remember hosing their jellies off because they got so gross. I remember when my white ones had to be pitched, they went so well with my tie-dye t-shirt.

Then there are the vintage options - 50's shoes from Etsy. 

 Later 50's/Early 60's on Ebay (they look like they need some love).

Unfortunately the 80's seems to be the most highly represented era of cobalt shoes - so the other option is vintage white with some fabulous shoe clips. (shoe clips = bows, sparkles or both)

So time to decide and order, right? Still, I'm racking up the blue items included in my ensemble so I'm hoping that something blue doesn't need to be a singular something.