Tuesday, January 11, 2011

parmesan crusted zucchini

The side last night for our always delicious packet fish were summery slices of zucchini tossed with garlic and olive oil then topped with plenty of parmesan and backed until the cheese was browned and crisped.
It's as easy as that - hardly requiring a recipe, but for inquiring minds...

Parmesan Crusted Zucchini

3 zucchinis - cut into slices or spears or any shape you fancy
2 cloves garlic - minced
Healthy drizzle of olive oil
Salt & Pepper
Handful + of grated parmesan (about 1/4-1/2 c.)

Toss minced garlic, olive oil and zucchini together - place in baking dish (with enough room to spread out a little bit) Top with salt and pepper, parmesan. Bake in a 350°F oven for about 30-40 minutes or until squash is fork tender and cheese is lightly browned.

As for the main dish - you have heard many times how much I love cooking fish this way, in fact it's really the only way I do on a regular basis. So easy, delicious, and when you're done - throw away the foil. 

We changed up the recipe a little using butter instead of olive oil and omitting the parmesan since we were already consuming our requisite amount of cheese for the evening and using rockfish, which was fresh instead of tilapia.

Everyone is saying you should be eating more fish, this is a really good way to do it.