Monday, November 23, 2009

Brag Blog

It's a busy time in the district - getting everything done before D. and I head south to NC to meet up with the family for Turkey Week. After a weekend of research paper writing, and busy times at work, vegging out in our rental beach house sounds divine. A few things to do tomorrow morning and then we're throwing Rock Band and the Kitchenaid Mixer before making the five hour drive.

Maybe the time off will result in some new blog posts - maybe it will just result in naps.

Before I go, I couldn't resist bragging about some great work stuff. I'm having such a great time working at SCC, and I'm very proud of the projects we've had the opportunity to work on.

It's been a busy fall for us with a huge variety of clients keeping us busy, but recently we've had the opportunity to do some PR for ourselves - thank you to everyone who's become a fan of our Facebook page, you can also follow us on Twitter @scottcircle where I regularly tweet PR tips and tricks passing along any interesting

news I pick up along the way. With that lead in - here comes the brag - although I've been in my position at SCC for a few months, we recently sent out a press release announcing my existence and was I ever excited to see my name here and today, here.

Everybody likes to see their name in the paper, right? Well, unless it's a criminal report or even worse, an obit.

I'll leave you with a fun project that we loved working on. You may have already seen it on tv - we at SCC still do a happy dance every time it comes on.